I don't ride bikes often enough to keep air in the tires. But I think of Fae as my bike coach. We talked this week. She assured me that writing was like riding a bike. While you may be rusty, you don't forget. And then Fae handed me an assignment and pushed me down the driveway. As I sift through research abstracts and track leads, my skills wobble. I talk to sources and stumble through what I want to ask. But they are patient, and with each question answered, I gain confidence. I'm even more encouraged when I think of a genuine bike racer I know. He competes in level two competitions, with his sights set on ascending to level one. That's where professional bike teams recruit. This biker sports a striking tattoo on his leg calf. Done in red and black ink, a triangle surrounds a racing biker. Wrapped around the three outside edges are the initials of the racer's father, mother and sister. This racer never rides alone. His support team helps drive the pedals. That's how I want to write, with a coach and a (tiny) support team. I won't tattoo your name, but I know you are there.
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